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park eagle enrichment crew pueblo co


Spanish for "Littles

Pueblo is 46% Hispanic but only 24% speak the language. Among minor children only 17% speak Spanish.

Taste for Life

Developing a healthy awareness of the opportunity to have a career in the culinary field among middle school students.

Technology Tools

Using drones and 3D printers to increase creative thinking 

Science in the Real World

Science in the Real World is a crew for those who want to experience hands on application of scientific principles.

Living in a Fit World

Living in a Fit World invites the students to participate in the Presidential Fitness Program and practice their fitness through quarterly hikes in Colorado Mountains. 

Spanish for "Littles"

Pueblo is 46% Hispanic but only 24% speak the language. Among minor children only 17% speak Spanish. The vision of this program is to start the life long journey to help these children to remain connected to their ethnic culture. Their lives are enriched as multinational citizens.

The Spanish crew is led by a certified Spanish teacher who guides them into introductory conversation beginning at age 5.

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school kids cooking

Taste for Life

Food is an eternal connector to people everywhere. And it is a excellent lifetime hobby for students who are neither athletic nor artistically inclined. This crew shares nutritional values, attractive presentation and bakes a dish for their group to share on a weekly basis. Cooking should be fun! The offering is open to 6th grade and above.

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Technology Tools

Using Technology crew explores the opportunity to be part of the “new world” in which we live. For one quarter each year the students learn to use drones, 3D printers, AI bots, and advanced coding. This crew invites students 4th grade and up to participate.

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school kids doing science

Science in the Real World

Science in the Real World is a crew for those who want to experience hands on application of scientific principles. The crew learns how to make a live volcano to understand our seismic world. They develop their own terrarium and watch the photosynthetic process occur.  In the spring quarter crew members create their own garden. Through these activities they learn to process of producing organic food that is healthy.

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Living in a Fit World

Living in a Fit World invites the students to participate in the Presidential Fitness Program and practice their fitness through quarterly hikes in Colorado Mountains. The first hike is a climb from Bear Lake to Blue Lake with an explanation of how fish survive in the high mountain climates. In May the students visit Mayfield Gulch.

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Program Times:

Daily Program:

Meets every afternoon(Monday-Thursday) – 12:30-3:30pm (lunch available)

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